Improvements underway in the Clear Creek watershed will help move 2,100 homes out of the current 1 percent floodplain, according to a report from the Greater Houston Flood Mitigation Consortium, but 1,570 will remain at a higher risk. The comprehensive report covers flood mitigation in the Greater Houston region, including infrastructure, drainage, buyouts and development regulations. Its analysis of Clear Creek shows that the watershed affects 10 percent of the area's population, or close to 575,000 people, and was responsible for 7 percent of the area's damage from Hurricane Harvey, about $64 million. Clear Creek is one of several that have U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects in various stages, but it remains to be seen whether the work that needs to be done will be fully funded. The report also notes that because the creek crosses multiple jurisdictions, "regulation is even more patchwork than it is in other watersheds." The report specifically mentions Friendswood's decision to revert to use 1999 floodplain maps and allow homeowners to rebuild below current flood levels. However, the report also notes that a 2013 study found that 55 percent of flood claims in the watershed occurred above the floodplain. The report also notes that even if all of the planned federal projects are completed, the watershed may still not be able to fully handle a 1 percent flood event. View more information about the watershed and explore the entire report below.