In Brazoria County, 13 officials were sworn into office. All but two constable races were uncontested. Here are the newly elected officials.
- Tax Assessor-Collector Ro'Vin Garrett
- Sheriff Charles Wagner
- Commissioner Donald "Dude" Payne, Pct. 1
- Commissioner Stacy Adams, Pct. 3
- Judge Jack Brown, Justice of the Peace Pct. 1, Place 1
- Judge John Vasut, Justice of the Peace Pct. 2, Place 1
- Judge Mike Merkel, Justice of the Peace Pct. 3, Place 1
- Judge Sharon Fox, Justice of the Peace Pct. 4, Place 1
- Constable David Thacker, Pct. 1*
- Constable Willie Howell, Pct. 2
- Constable Buck Stevens, Pct. 3*
- Constable James Brawner, Pct. 4
- Jeff Brennan, Drainage District Pct. 4, Place 2
*Contested election
In Galveston County, 12 officials were sworn into office. All but one race was uncontested. Here are the newly elected officials.
- Galveston County Tax Assessor-Collector Cheryl Johnson
- Sheriff Henry Trochesset
- Commissioner Darrell Apffel, Pct. 1
- Commissioner Stephen Holmes, Pct. 3
- Judge Kerry Neves, 10th Judicial District*
- Judge Lonnie Cox, 56th Judicial District
- Judge Michelle Slaughter, 405th Judicial District
- Judge Kathleen McCumber, Justice of the Peace Pct. 4
- Constable Rick Sharp, Pct. 1
- Constable Jimmy Fullen, Pct. 2
- Constable Derreck Rose, Pct. 3
- Constable Jerry Fisher, Pct. 4
*Contested election
While county representatives were sworn into office on New Year's Day, four trustees at the Friendswood ISD were sworn into office during the last board meeting of the year on Dec. 12. Three trustees were re-elected, and a fourth trustee was elected to replace Denise Ruiz, who was an interim trustee for Position 1. All races were uncontested.
- Laura Seifert, Position 1
- Matthew Robinson, Position 2
- Rebecca Hillenburg, Position 3
- Daniel "Tony" Hopkins, Position 4