On May 8, high school and college students will have the opportunity to connect with over 40 employers at the Jobs Y’all career event in Pearland.

What you need to know

Jobs Y’all is a career exploration campaign designed to raise awareness about Texas’ fast-growing industries, according to a newsletter from Work in Pearland. It is meant to help students learn about occupations and related education options, and connect them with employers for career opportunities.

Community Impact previously reported that Work in Pearland is a comprehensive job board launched in March 2023 that connects employers and job seekers, showcasing open jobs in Pearland, regional training programs and workforce-supportive services.

The details

Jobs Y’all will take place on May 8 from 4-7 p.m. at the Pearland Recreation Center, 4141 Bailey Road, Pearland. Those interested in attending can register here.