For Heather Scharbor, a place for people to learn music is vital to any community.

“I think we are wired for music, and I think it is such a special gift. … It makes our lives happy,” Scharbor said. “It’s good for us in every way possible.”

Scharbor brings music to the Pearland community with her business, Allegro Pearland Academy of Music. The conservatory offers lessons for children and adults. The students perform in recitals, at Pearland’s Fusion of the Arts and at local nursing homes, which is one of Scharbor’s favorite events.

“It’s this beautiful experience for the resident and the child because the child gets to see what an impact their music can have on others,” she said. “They all have these stories and they say, ‘Keep playing,’ and they encourage the students.”

Scharbor started the business in 2011 and moved to a permanent space in February 2018. After eight years of operation, the business teaches 11 instruments—including piano, violin, guitar, and Scottish bagpipes—and boasts over 400 students and 30 teachers, or “music mentors,” as they are called at Allegro. The music mentor and student are matched based on the personality, learning style and goals, Scharbor said.

“You have to have the heart for the mission of the school,” she said.

For Scharbor, the music mentors teach students music but also aid students’ overall well-being.

“That’s why I say it’s a music mentor. Because you don’t know how much one-on-one time the child is getting where someone is looking them in the eye, completely focused on them, and cares about them and their progress,” Scharbor said.

Allegro continues to grow its programs. The school added orchestra in fall 2018 and is in the process of adding a program called Pizzicato, geared toward early childhood development. The business will add two classrooms to the facility later this year.

As the school grows, the mission remains the same: to help students become healthier and happier people through music, Scharbor said.

“I wanted to impact the community through exceptional music education that we provide,” she said.