Ongoing projects
1. Cutten Road signal improvements Harris County is planning improvements to the traffic signal system at Vintage Preserve Parkway. The proposed traffic signal system is in the design phase. Harris County’s goal is to commence construction on the traffic signal projects in the first quarter of 2017. Timeline: TBD Cost: $180,000 Funding sources: Harris County
2. Gosling Road Segment 1 The project is widening the road from two lanes to four lanes with a median from Spring Stuebner Road to the Grand Parkway. It also widens the road from two to four lanes from the Grand Parkway to West Mossy Oaks Road. Allgood Construction was given notice to proceed Oct. 3 with the contract allowing for 360 calendar days for construction. It is expected to be completed by Sept. 27. Timeline: October 2016-fourth quarter 2017 Cost: $8.2 million Funding sources: Harris County, Montgomery County
3. Kuykendahl Road bridge The bridge construction over Spring Creek from Pine Plains to Flintridge drives will widen the road from two lanes to four lanes between Harris County and Montgomery County. The project was awarded to Texas Sterling Construction, and notice to proceed was issued Sept. 26. Construction began Oct. 10. The contract allocates 270 calendar days for construction, and the project is expected to be completed by May 17. Timeline: September 2016-May 2017 Cost: $6.1 million Funding sources: Harris County, Montgomery County
4. Riley Fuzzel Road widening The project will widen the roadway from two to five lanes west of the Hardy Toll Road, and it includes closing the railroad crossing at Caroline Street and opening a new railroad crossing north of Riley Fuzzel Road. The widening project is in the design phase with the goal to put the project out for bid in the second quarter of 2017. Timeline: TBD Cost: $2.8 million Funding sources: Harris County
Upcoming projects
Gosling Road bridge[/caption]Gosling Road bridge The second bridge across Spring Creek on Gosling Road will begin construction when funding sources from all participants have been identified. Timeline: TBA Cost: TBA Funding sources: Harris County, Montgomery County
Gosling Road widening segments 2 and 3[/caption]Gosling Road widening segments 2 and 3 The project will widen the road from two to four lanes from West Mossy Oaks Road to West Rayford Road and from West Rayford Road to south of Spring Creek. Both segments are in the design phase. Segment 2 is scheduled to be up for bid in the first quarter of 2017, and Segment 3 is scheduled to be up for bid in the third quarter. Timeline: TBA Cost: $17.1 million Funding sources: Harris County
Spring Stuebner road widening[/caption]Spring Stuebner road widening The road widening project will widen Spring Stuebner Road from two lanes to four lanes west of I-45. The Spring Stuebner road widening is currently in the study phase, and Harris County plans to put it out for bid sometime in 2017. Timeline: TBA Cost: $1.2 million Funding sources: Harris County
Veterans Memorial Drive turn lane[/caption]Veterans Memorial Drive turn lane Planned improvements by Harris County include installation of the missing segments of the turn lane between West Green Road and FM 1960. It will also include traffic signal upgrades and intersection improvements as needed. The improvement project is in the study phase. Timeline: TBA Cost: $4 million Funding sources: Harris County