Conroe residents visit with Texas Department of Transportation officials to provide input on a Hwy. 105 mobility improvement study. Conroe residents visit with Texas Department of Transportation officials to provide input on a Hwy. 105 mobility improvement study.[/caption] The Texas Department of Transportation is undertaking a mobility improvement study along Hwy. 105 with a focus on addressing safety concerns. The study spans the roadway from I-45 in Conroe to FM 2854 near Montgomery and will yield options to reduce traffic congestion and accidents as well as improve travel time. Potential traffic solutions include changing traffic signal timing, incorporating raised medians and adding dedicated right or left turn lanes without expanding the roadway, officials said. Hundreds of Conroe residents attended a public meeting May 24 at the Conroe High School 9th grade campus, and TxDOT representatives presented the project to Conroe City Council on May 25. “Right now there is a lot of congestion between Loop 336 and I-45 [along Hwy. 105],” said Tommy Woolley, Conroe assistant director of projects and transportation. “It just seems like whatever we do traffic just keeps stacking up. We want to see what can be done, [whether] it is adding turn lanes or [traffic] signals.” TxDOT, however, does not have funding for any proposed projects that will be derived from the study, officials said. For more information visit