1. League Line Road extension
Construction of a 2.5-mile extension to League Line Road started in early March 2015. The project will extend the road from its terminus at Hwy. 75 past FM 1484 into the Conroe-North Houston Regional Airport. The road creates a direct route from I-45 through the Conroe Park North industrial park. Paving from Hwy. 75 to the Stewarts Creek bridge has been completed, and crews have started paving from FM 1484 to the east.
Timeline: March 2015-June Cost: $13.3 million Funding sources: city of Conroe, Montgomery County
2. West-side connector
Crews have broken ground on a new roadway that will connect FM 1097 to Old Montgomery Road near I-45. The city of Willis and Montgomery County Precinct 1 are working together to build the roadway to alleviate traffic congestion at the I-45 intersection with FM 1097. Once complete, the roadway will make it possible for TxDOT crews to convert the I-45 southbound feeder road at the FM 1097 intersection into a one-way road. The conversion would alleviate traffic congestion on FM 1097 from motorists turning on to I-45.
Timeline: April 15-December Cost: $1.2 million Funding sources: Montgomery County, city of Willis
3. FM 3083 railroad overpass
Work on the expansion of FM 3083 continues with construction of a railroad overpass along the roadway. FM 3083 has already been expanded from I-45 to the starting location of the overpass bridge. The expansion project will continue to widen the roadway from the start of the bridge to Stewarts Creek. Once complete, the road will have two lanes on each side and a continuous left-turn lane. The construction start date has been pushed back from April to May.
Timeline: May-2018 Cost: $13.1 million Funding sources: TxDOT
4. FM 1488 overpass
TxDOT crews are making progress on a project that will widen FM 1488 from two to four lanes and build a railroad overpass on FM 1488 near the FM 149 intersection. The project is intended to help alleviate traffic congestion on FM 1488 near Magnolia High School and will also make it possible for commuters to cross the railroad tracks without interruption. The project has reached 34 percent completion.
Timeline: December 2015-fourth quarter 2017 Cost: $27.6 million Funding sources: TxDOT
Grand Parkway Segment G
The Texas Department of Transportation finished construction on Segment G of the Grand Parkway, Houston’s third outer loop, in late March. Construction began simultaneously on segments F-1, F-2 and G in mid-2013, but the completion of Segment G was delayed more than a month due to weather-related issues. The three newest sections of the Grand Parkway include 38 miles of tolled road from Hwy. 290 in Cypress to Hwy. 59 near New Caney.
Timeline: July 2013-March 2016 Cost: $1.2 billion Funding sources: TxDOT