Many commercial developments have now opened, or are leasing, along Research Forest Drive. These developments include a Hyatt Place hotel, a Pisula Development Company project, as well as office space, retail and restaurants.

1. A retail center owned by the Pisula Development Company is under development at the southeast intersection of Research Forest and Six Pines drives. The center includes Fielding's Wood Grill, Houston Eye Associates, Capital Title and Mercantil Commercebank.

2. A Corner Store gas station is now open near the southeast intersection of Research Forest and Six Pines drives.

3. The former Paparucchos restaurant has changed its name to O'Seea Tequila Lounge on the north side of Research Forest Drive near Six Pines Drive.

4. A Pisula Development Company building that contains medical and office space is leasing for occupants.

5. The 184-room Hyatt Place hotel opened its doors at 1909 Research Forest Drive in January.

6. The Research Forest Lakeside development project will include up to 12 office buildings and 77 acres of office and retail space at build-out.