Build-out year: 1999
Builders: Multiple
Square footage: 1,970/6,200
Home values: $180,000-$400,000+
HOA dues (estimated): $450
Amenities: Swimming Pool, park, hike & bike trails
Nearby attractions: Vintage Park, Willowbrook Mall
Property taxes:
Tomball ISD 1.3600
Harris CO 0.4002
City of Tomball 0.3415
Harris CO Hospital 0.1822
Lone Star College Sys 0.1198
Total (per $100 value) 2.4037
Homes on the market (As of January 2014)
No. of homes for sale - 5
No. of homes under contract - 3
Average days on the market - 99
Annual home sales (Jan. 1, 2013 to Dec. 31,2013)
No. of homes sold - 9
Square footage (low/high) - 2,107/3,788
Selling price (low/high) - $155,000/ $369,900