Square footage: 3,282–11,266
Home values: $290,967–$1,754,600
HOA dues (estimated): $952.00
Amenities: Gated access, large horse riding pens, nature trails, water features
Nearby attractions: Houston Premium Outlets, Kleb Woods Nature Preserve and Cypress Lakes Golf Club
Property taxes:
- Lone Star College Sys Dist0.1210%
- Harris Co.0.3912%
- Harris Co. Dpt. Edu. 0.0066%
- Harris Co. ESD 30.0300%
- Harris Co. Flood Control0.0281%
- Harris Co. Hospital0.1922%
- Cypress-Fairbanks ISD1.4300%
- Port of Houston Auth.0.0186%
- Harris Co. ESD 210.0500%
Total (per $100 value)2.2677%
Homes on the market (As of June, 2013)
No. of homes for sale 6
No. of homes under contract 1
Average days on the market 244
Annual home sales (June 1, 2012–May 31, 2013)
No. of homes sold 2
Square footage (low/high) 4,953/ 4,994
Selling price (low/high) $775,000/ $925,000