Eleven years ago on Tuesday, Robert Gray, former chief of the Arlington Fire Department in Virginia, was leading his officers into the Pentagon in search of survivors. This Sept. 11 Gray will join Magnolia residents in remembering the terrorist attack that shook a nation.
At its first 9/11 Memorial on Tuesday, the Magnolia Historical Society welcomes residents to listen to the stories of Gray, whose Technical Rescue Team was instrumental in searching for survivors and recovery efforts. Dan Holdridge, president and CEO of Eagle Industries Inc., who was in the Pentagon during the attack, will also speak.
"It's important to remember something that really affected our country," said Katrina Welch, president of the Magnolia Historical Society. "We don't ever need to forget what happened and how people just came together."
After hosting a similar event two years ago in conjunction with the City of Magnolia, Welch said the historical society's board agreed a regular 9/11 memorial was needed. Community leaders including members of the City Council, the Magnolia Volunteer Fire Department and other area fire departments will participate. A local pastor will lead the event in prayer.
The memorial is scheduled to run from 6-7 p.m. and Welch said refreshments will be provided after.
"The [historical society] board voted for this event because it's very important to us, and we want to continue it every year," she said. "Our speakers were actively involved and are two amazing, inspirational people."
The 9/11 Memorial will be at held at The Historic Magnolia Depot, located at 426 Melton St.
For more information on the event Welch can be reached at 936-788-3389.