In an effort to teach residents about police practices, policies and procedures, the Magnolia Police Department will host a Citizens Police Academy beginning in February.

The eight-week program covers a range of subjects including search and seizure, traffic stops and mock crime scenes.

The program is also dedicated to strengthening the relationship between the Magnolia Police Department and the city's residents, according to Sgt. Jose Lopez, the program's lead instructor. He said he is eager to get Magnolia citizens more connected to the police force.

"It's awesome to have the citizens you work for see what you do," he said.

The program schedule will be distributed at the first meeting and class topics will include distracted driving, mock crime scenes and the K-9 unit. Lopez said several classes will take place at satellite locations, such as the Magnolia Fire Department and a local shooting range.

Lopez will be the program's lead instructor, but certain classes will be lead by other officers depending on the subject.

The academy is restricted to people who are 18 years of age or older and all applicants will undergo a background check before being admitted.

Applications may be obtained at the Magnolia Police Department at 18111 Buddy Riley Blvd. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They can also be obtained from Lopez via email at [email protected]. Applications must be notarized, which can be done at the department on Mondays from 12 p.m.–3 p.m. and Fridays form 2 p.m.–6 p.m. The deadline for applications is Jan. 27.

Classes will take place every Thursday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. beginning Feb. 2 and ending with a graduation ceremony March 29.

Graduates of the program will receive a completion certificate and can apply to become volunteer police officers through the national program, Volunteers in Police Services (VIPS), according to Lopez. The VIPS program opens the door to ride-alongs in police vehicles, citizen patrol, and other privileges.

"It's meant to show the public what our goals are, and gives them a little taste of what we do on a daily basis," Lopez said. "We just want to strengthen the bond between the police and the citizens we serve."

Magnolia City Hall is located at 18111 Buddy Riley Blvd.