Number of homes: 1,196
Square footage: 1,600–7,600
Home values: $150,000–$800,000
HOA dues (estimated): $810.00
Amenities: Residents of Copper Lakes have access to the community pools, tennis courts, lakes, trails and several community parks.
Property taxes (in dollars):
- Lone Star College SYS DIST0.1198
- Harris CO0.4002
- Harris CO DPT EDUC0.0066
- Harris CO ESD 90.0600
- Harris CO Flood Control0.0281
- Harris CO Hospital0.1822
- Cy-Fair ISD1.4500
- Harris CO MUD 1560.9700
- Harris CO MUD 1730.6900
- Port of Houston Auth0.0195 Total (per $100 value) - 2.7263
Homes on the market (As of January 2014)
- No. of homes for sale - 14
- No. of homes under contract - 3
- Average days on the market - 60
Annual home sales (Dec. 1, 2013–Dec. 30, 2014)
- No. of homes sold - 163
- Square footage (low/high) - 1880 / 5827
- Selling price (low/high) - $90,000/ $483,250