Greentree Village is a master-planned community in Kingwood that was built in the late 1980s and features more than 1,700 homes. The neighborhood features a community swimming pool and is located near the Kingwood Trails System. The neighborhood has access to shopping along the intersection of West Lake Houston Parkway and Kingwood Drive.
Square footage: 1,836-4,218 Home values: $78,000-$369,000 HOA dues (estimated): $386 annually Amenities: Swimming pool, Kingwood Country Club
Property taxes (in dollars):
Humble ISD - 1.5200 Harris County - 0.4192 Harris County Flood Control - 0.0273 Port Authority - 0.0134 Harris County Hospital District - 0.1700 Harris County Department of Education - 0.0054 City of Houston - 0.6011 N. Harris-Montgomery College District - 0.1079
Total (per $100 value) - 2.8644
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