Kenswick is located just outside Humble’s city limits within Aldine ISD and unincorporated Harris County. The neighborhood dates back to 1978 and has continued to develop over the years. Kenswick is close to the Deerbrook Mall, George Bush Intercontinental Airport, and Jesse H. Jones Park & Nature Center.

Median home value: $170,000

Homes on the market*: 4

Homes under contract*: 14

Median annual property taxes: $4,907

Median price per square foot: $107

Average days on the market*: 26

*as of March 1

Square footage range: 1,180-2,786

HOA dues (estimated): $235 annually

Schools: Jones Elementary School, Cypresswood Elementary School, Jones Middle School, Nimitz High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Harris County:

Harris County Department of Education: 0.01

Harris County Flood Control District: 0.03

Harris Health System: 0.17

Lone Star College System: 0.11

Harris County Emergency Services District No. 11: 0.03

Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 26: 0.68

Aldine ISD: 1.35

Port of Houston Authorit: 0.01

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.8*

*Tax rates vary by home location

Neighborhood data provided by Deborah Rose, broker/agent at Rose Realty. 281-380-0332.