Forest Cove is located just south of Kingwood. The neighborhood has 410 single-family homes with a median build year of 1970. The median home size is 2,627 square feet, and the median lot size is 43,470 square feet with an average of four bedrooms.

Median home value: $287,500

Homes on the market*: 2

Homes under contract*: 2

Median annual property taxes: $7,793.55

Median price per square foot: $111.18

Average days on the market*: 87

*as of Oct. 1

Build-out year: 1970

Schools: Foster Elementary School, Kingwood Middle School, Kingwood Park High School

Median square footage: 2,627

HOA dues (estimated): $125 annually

Home values: $206,000-$635,000

Property taxes (in dollars):

City of Houston: 0.5679

Humble ISD: 1.4184

Harris County: 0.4071

Harris County Flood Control District: 0.0279

Harris County Dept. of Education: 0.005

Lone Star College System: 0.1078

Harris County Hospital District: 0.1659

Port of Houston Authority: 0.0107

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.7107

Neighborhood data provided by Kendra Lee, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene. 832-445-0808.