The Claytons Park neighborhood is located in the Atascocita area and has easy access to Beltway 8. The neighborhood has 487 single-family properties with a build-out year of 2010 and a median home size of 2,390 square feet. Claytons Park has its own park, pool and clubhouse for the community to enjoy.

Median home value: $190,750

Homes on the market*: 5

Homes under contract: 2

Median annual property taxes: $5,575.43

Median price per square foot: $88.92

Average days on the market*: 23

*As of Sept. 10

Build-out year: 2010

Median square footage: 2,390

HOA dues (estimated): $400 annually

Home values: $170,000-$229,900

Property taxes (in dollars):

Humble ISD: 1.4184

Harris County: 0.4071

Harris County Flood Control District: 0.0279

Port of Houston Authority: 0.0107

Harris Health System: 0.1659

Harris County Dept. of Education: 0.005

Lone Star College System: 0.1078

Harris County ESD. 46: 0.1

Trail of the Lakes: 0.68

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.9228

Neighborhood data provided by Kendra Lee, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene. 832-445-0808.