Sunset Ridge is a growing neighborhood that is still being developed. It is located near Summerwood on Beltway 8. The neighborhood is close to the retail shopping district located at the intersection of Beltway 8 and West Lake Houston Parkway.
It provides direct access to Beltway 8 and easy connection to Hwy. 59 and I-10.
Square footage: 1,250-2,885 Home values: $130,000-$240,000 HOA dues: $450 annually Amenities: Swimming pool and splash pad, playground with picnic tables and benches
Property taxes (in dollars): Humble ISD-1.5200 Harris County-0.4192 Harris County Flood Control District-0.0273 Port of Houston Authority-0.0134 Harris County Hospital District-0.1700 Harris County Dept. of Education-0.0054 N. Harris-Montgomery College Dist.-0.1079 Harris County MUD 49-0.9300 Harris County ESD 10-0.1000
Total (per $100 valuation) 3.2932