Incumbent Charles “Andy” Curry will be running against challenger Eric Lacy in the election. Incumbent Mayor Norman Funderburk and newcomer Mike Marshall are each running unopposed in their races for mayor and Place 2 council member, respectively.
For more information about what Lake Houston-area voters can expect to see on the ballot May 6, click here. For more information about voting in Harris County, click here.
The Humble City Council is made up of one mayor and five council members, each of which is elected to a two-year term.
To learn more about each of the candidates before heading to the polls, see the Q&A's below. Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
* indicates incumbent

Charles "Andy" Curry*
20 years on Humble City Council and 28 years [of] experience in Humble ISD's financial department
What inspired you to run for this office, and what qualifications do you possess?
I have lived in Humble since 1952 and have seen the city grow from a small town to what it is today. I have been on the city council for 20 years. I think that my 28 years work experience in the finance department for Humble ISD and a [masters in business administration] gives me a good insight to the financial responsibilities of the city.
If elected, what would be your top priorities?
Flood mitigation is a priority that we are constantly working on. The Black Branch project is currently one of the top priorities. The new fire station currently under construction on South Houston Avenue and the new senior center facility, which will be started in the near future.
What are the biggest challenges the city of Humble is currently facing, and how would you address those challenges?
I think that the biggest challenges currently affecting the city is commercial and residential growth. We need to continue the improvement of our infrastructure to meet the new demands and to ensure that our police and fire departments are equipped and ready to meet the demands.
Are there any areas within the city’s budget you believe are overfunded and/or underfunded, and how would you address them?
I do not think that there are any disparities in the current budgetary process. The needs of the different departments are examined, and each department’s requests are addressed as the need demands.
How do you plan to involve residents in the decision-making process in the city?
I want to encourage the residents to attend the council meetings and take advantage of the opportunity to speak at the meeting. During this time, a citizen may address the City Council on any item, which does not appear on the posted agenda. Registration forms are available at the meeting and on our website. This form should be completed and returned to the city secretary no later than 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting.

Eric Lacy
More Information:
The candidate did not respond as of press time.