Incumbent Nancy S. Morrison will be running against challengers Natalie Carter, Michael Grabowski and Leigh S. Marcus in the upcoming election. HISD board of trustees positions 2 and 6 will also be up for election in May.
According to the HISD website, each member of the board of trustees is elected to an at-large position for four years in a nonpartisan election. For more information about trustee elections in HISD, click here. For more information about how Texas school boards function, click here.
For more information about what Lake Houston-area voters can expect to see on the ballot May 6, click here. For more information about voting in Harris County, click here.
To learn more about each of the candidates before heading to the polls, see the Q&A's below.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
*Indicates incumbent

Natalie Carter
Room parent, Autumn Creek Elementary (2022-present); Parent Teacher Organization president, Autumn Creek Elementary School (2021-22); Humble ISD Zoning Committee (2019-21); Community Leadership Academy (2021-22); PTO Spirit Shop coordinator, Fall Creek Elementary School (2019-21); mother of three Humble ISD students (one in kindergarten and two in middle school); nurse practitioner with a pediatrics background
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What are the biggest issues Humble ISD is currently facing and how would you address them?
The biggest issue facing Humble ISD is providing high-quality education to each student while dealing with limited resources, rapid growth, and the ongoing mental health issues caused by pandemic-related stressors. To resolve these issues, the district must focus on: teacher and staff recruitment and retention; creating safe and secure schools by not only addressing external threats but also addressing internal threats such as mental health, school climate, cybersecurity, targeted violence; and community engagement.
Are there any parts of Humble ISD’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? How would you address this?
If elected, I would propose an increase to the budget for “Guidance, Counseling and Evaluation Services” to ensure that the number of counselors meets The American School Counselor Association recommended student-to-counselor maximum ratio of 1:250. I would also be interested in investigating if we could reduce our maintenance fees by entering into long-term flat-fee contracts for certain routine work. If economically feasible I believe we would seek local contractors to bid for these maintenance projects.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
I believe Senate Bill 176—which proposes to pay certain families' educational expenses, like private school tuition, online schooling, or private tutors—if passed as currently written, will cause significant harm to public schools. The bill would divert funding away from public schools, which could lead to a reduction in the resources available for public school students. Fewer resources mean larger class sizes, fewer extracurricular activities, and a decrease in the quality of education overall.
How do you believe the district should plan for future growth?
As the student population continues to grow, the district will need to expand existing structures and build new schools to accommodate the increasing number of students. The district will also need to redraw school zone boundaries to balance enrollment and reduce overcrowding in certain schools. In addition, the district will need to invest in technology to support student learning as well as retain additional teachers and staff to support the student population.
Do you believe Humble ISD is doing enough to address the concern of parents regarding some of the content available in school libraries? Why or why not?
Parents should have the right to decide what materials are appropriate for their child, but not every child. The decision to withhold or remove books from everyone because a vocal minority does not approve of the book is unconscionable. The Humble ISD library selection guidelines provide clear guidance on what content is permissible and provide parents the opportunity to identify and challenge books that they believe are outside the guidelines.

Michael Grabowski
Father of a Humble ISD middle school student; husband of a Humble ISD elementary school teacher; Air Force Academy graduate, mechanical engineering; nine years, F-15 pilot, T-38 instructor; 30 years, United Airlines pilot; active law enforcement participant; masters in business administration, Webster University; business instructor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Commercial airline pilot
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What are the biggest issues Humble ISD is currently facing and how would you address them?
Two major issues facing Humble ISD: First, is the 10-year record of declining test scores. We were 9% above state average in reading and math; we are now 1% above state in reading and 4% below state in math. Second, is the disturbing trend of sexual indoctrination materials in the school libraries. Attitudes about sexual behavior are between the parent and child and are not part of the school’s charge.
Are there any parts of Humble ISD’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? How would you address this?
Overfunding: We don’t need theme-park playgrounds, and we greatly magnified the cost of the retention pond by changing it from a flood control facility to a city park. Underfunding: By inadequately resourcing the classroom, we undermine the teacher’s ability to deliver basic instruction. Problems range from not having Chromebooks for every student, to lacking behavior specialists to handle students with comportment problems. In summary, funding priorities should be redirected into the classroom.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
The Texas Education Agency should cease the practice of continually changing the rigor of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness/End-of-Course tests. This practice makes it impossible to directly judge a school district’s progress; instead, progress must be measured indirectly by comparing scores to the state average. TEA should provide districts with a trustworthy list of annual library book purchases; one that properly reflects community standards and is free of the impulse to sexually indoctrinate.
How do you believe the district should plan for future growth?
Humble ISD must plan so that the number of campuses keeps pace with anticipated population growth. However, this planning must take into account any state initiatives towards voucher programs that would necessarily reduce HISD student populations.
Do you believe Humble ISD is doing enough to address the concern of parents regarding some of the content available in school libraries? Why or why not?
Not enough. The stated superintendent’s policy is that sexually indoctrinating materials must be present in the library because some parents want them. Without a district standard, any book, no matter how sexually graphic, can be presented to any child, no matter how young; just find a parent who wants it. The accommodation offered is absurd; the concerned parent must cruise through the library collection to identify those books their child cannot read.

Nancy S. Morrison*
Over 40 years in education, school administration, member of Humble Area Retired Teachers Association, numerous education professional organizations, Gulf Coast Association of School Boards/director, Leadership Texas Association of School Boards master trustee, member of the TASB Legislative Advocacy Committee
Retired educator/Humble ISD trustee Position 7
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What are the biggest issues Humble ISD is currently facing and how would you address them?
Retention of our teaching staff and move upward with compensation. Continue advocating and providing resources needed for safe and secure schools. Post-COVID mental health issues (advocating at the state level for necessary funding for the personnel with the specific skill sets to work with students K-12). Advocating at the state for funding on enrollment versus average daily attendance. Making sure we continue to support our teachers with resources needed to close the learning gap.
Are there any parts of Humble ISD’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? How would you address this?
85% of the budget is allocated for staffing. The administration prioritizes needs. Each year a survey is taken in all departments to identify needs. Prioritization begins once needs have been turned into the administration. Board workshops begin in late March developing the budget, with final approval in June for the coming year.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
Teacher compensation/retention. Funding needs to be adjusted to enrollment numbers vs. average daily attendance at the state level. Special education funding needs to be seriously adjusted, our special education population is growing in our schools with specific needs such as the area of dyslexia. Advocate for resources for safe and secure schools.
How do you believe the district should plan for future growth?
The district is keeping a close eye on the Population and Survey Analysts reports. The 2022 bond will cover a great deal of our growth.
Do you believe Humble ISD is doing enough to address the concern of parents regarding some of the content available in school libraries? Why or why not?
Our curriculum and our library books are approved through the Texas Education Agency. Concerns with content available in the libraries were brought to the attention of the superintendent and board. The library policy was updated appropriately and book distributors were notified that if any inappropriate adult literature is sent to the schools, business will cease immediately with them. Parents can view through the home access center what their child has checked out and at the same time deny access to different levels of reading material. They are able to do the same with the Houston library.

Leigh S. Marcus
Board member of Kingwood Area Republican Women, currently serving as chaplain; precinct chair of Harris County Precinct No. 563 since 2020; member of Mothers against Cancer in 2023; sustaining board member of the Junior League of Houston; past board member at The Clubs of Kingwood; deacon at First Presbyterian Church of Kingwood; life member for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo having served on several committees including Armed Forces; advisory board member for Southern Methodist University (1998-2006); American Minister of Finance for Undying Hope Inc, a nonprofit building two schools, a hospital and an orphanage in S. Sudan, Africa from (2021-present)
Real estate
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What are the biggest issues Humble ISD is currently facing and how would you address them?
Encourage more after school programs and more parental involvement to improve test scores and ultimately enhance school ratings. Make more school counselors and psychologists available on campuses to make strides in achieving mental health support. To improve campus safety, I think there needs to be an armed presence on every campus by Humble District Police. However I do not believe teachers should be armed in the building.
Are there any parts of Humble ISD’s budget you feel are overfunded and/or underfunded? How would you address this?
Spending on extravagant buildings should be reduced. More budget should be directed toward teacher pay, safety and mental health personnel, programs which improve test scores and performance, and for special programs like fine arts and vocational training.
What changes do you believe need to be addressed at the state level regarding public education?
Teachers should be compensated for extra time spent in the classroom conducting documentation and accommodations for 504 and special needs students in addition to their current class responsibilities and school schedules.
How do you believe the district should plan for future growth?
The matrix in our district is always changing. We are fortunate to be in a district that already plans well for future growth. We own the land for future campuses and by 2030 we should be built out. We had 700 new students last year. We need to make sure that we have a place for all students.
Do you believe Humble ISD is doing enough to address the concern of parents regarding some of the content available in school libraries? Why or why not?
All books need to be vetted by librarians and parents. Different books should be available at different age levels and parents should always be in the driver seat regarding their students' reading materials. Porn is not appropriate in any library at any age level.