Humble ISD trustees at a special-called meeting June 27 approved an amendment to the district’s 2022-23 compensation plan that will raise the starting salaries of teachers from $61,500 to $62,100. (Wesley Gardner/Community Impact Newspaper)
Humble ISD trustees at a special-called meeting June 27 approved an amendment to the district’s 2022-23 compensation plan that will raise the starting salaries of teachers from $61,500 to $62,100. (Wesley Gardner/Community Impact Newspaper)
Humble ISD trustees at a special-called meeting June 27 approved an amendment to the district’s 2022-23 compensation plan that will raise starting teacher salaries from $61,500 to $62,100.
The amended compensation plan is coming less than a week after HISD trustees approved a roughly $589.6 million budget for the 2022-23 school year that included 4% on-average pay raises for all staff members as well as increased hourly wages for substitutes, guest teachers, child nutrition staff, special education paraprofessionals and bus drivers.
District officials noted the amended compensation plan was needed to keep HISD among the highest-paying districts in the Greater Houston area, which they said will help the district recruit and retain teachers.
Under the amended 2022-23 compensation plan, the starting salary for new teachers will see a $3,100 increase from the 2021-22 school year.
Officials noted the additional pay for new teachers will be funded by the roughly $98,000 surplus included in the 2022-23 budget.
Wesley Gardner is an education reporter covering Houston ISD, Humble ISD and Klein ISD. He joined Community Impact in May 2021 after graduating from St. Edwards University with a degree in mass communication in 2012. He previously covered education, local government, transportation, real estate development and nonprofits in the Lake Houston-Humble-Kingwood area. Prior to joining CI, Wesley served as the editor of the Lockhart Post Register and as a reporter for the Bastrop Advertiser and Fort Bend Herald.
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