When Humble native Anthony Macias was a child, he collected sports trading cards as a hobby. “You don’t collect for investment; you collect for fun,” Macias said.
He turned the hobby into a career when he opened Triple Play Treasures, a shop for sports cards and collectibles, on Feb. 18, 2018, to bring back the nostalgia of his childhood and to introduce the hobby to today’s young people.
Behind Stein Mart on Kingwood Drive, the location for Triple Play Treasures was ideal, said Macias, who lives down the street from the hobby shop.
“I didn’t have to renovate it. Also, I wanted my retired parents to have something to do,” Macias said. “My mom, Emma, runs it while I’m at work. My dad likes seeing the products arrive. And when I retire from my full-time job in Houston, I’ll have something fun to do.”
Triple Play Treasures, offers sports, game, movie and TV-show cards, some of them autographed. In addition to other memorabilia, such as sports equipment and photographs, customers also can verify the value of the cards they inherited or collected, Macias said.
“The reason I opened this store is because I could order hobby cards online, but I missed a brick-and-mortar store,” Macias said. “I like walking in, touching, feeling the cards, talking to somebody live.”
Many of the products sold at Triple Play Treasures cannot be found at major national retailers, Macias said.
A collector would have to go to a hobby store for premium collectible cards, which could cost $200 for a pack, for example, he said.
Macias said he knows younger children still enjoy playing youth baseball just as he did when he was young, but kids also have other forms of entertainment to choose from, such as video games.
“I like to see dads and moms come in here because of the nostalgia. That’s what’s cool to me” Macias said. “A lot of guys my age bring their son or daughter here, getting the kids away from video games, at least for a little bit.”
Triple Play Treasures
2618 Chestnut Ridge Road, Kingwood
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.,
Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun. 1-5 p.m.