For those looking to give items or monetary donations for Thanksgiving this year, check out these organizations that help feed Houstonians on Thanksgiving.

1. Thanksgiving is the busiest time of year for the Houston Food Bank. The Houston Food Bank has red barrels that can be found in grocery stores throughout the Houston area. Donations are also accepted at their two Houston locations at 535 Portwall St., Houston, and 146 Knobcrest Drive, Houston. 713-223-3700.

2. Interfaith Ministries is raising money to provide holiday meals to homebound seniors for the Meals on Wheels for Greater Houston program. 3303 Main St., Houston. 713-533-4900.

3. Over the last 21 years, Operation Turkey has been providing meals and clothing to homeless people in Texas. This year, Operation Turkey’s goal is to give out 45,000 meals. Operation Turkey is looking for volunteers as well as monetary donations. 281-832-8009.

4. Bethel's Heavenly Hands offers a variety of resources to support individuals and families by meeting needs for food, clothing and shelter assistance. 12660 Sandpiper Drive, Houston. 713-729-6477.

5. Every year, Kids’ Meals donates Thanksgiving meals to children on their route. 330 Garden Oaks, Houston. 713-695-5437.