On Nov. 6, Waller County voters re-elected Judge Trey Duhon, a Republican, with 64 percent voting for Duhon and 36 percent voting for his opponent, Denise Mattox, a Democrat, at the most recent count. About 50 percent of registered voters in the county cast ballots in the election.
Duhon said he is honored by the vote of confidence Waller County residents placed in him with their votes. He added that he is happy that the leadership team in the county remains intact after the elections with many of the officials he works with daily being re-elected as well.
"We will continue to work as hard as we can every day to make sure that Waller County continues to be one of the greatest counties in the state of Texas in terms of being a place that people want to live, work and play," Duhon said.
Duhon was first elected to the position in 2014 and had a sharp lead in early voting with about 70 percent of the vote before the polls opened for Election Day.
Duhon has presided over an administration that has lowered the property tax rate by $0.01643 in 2017 and $0.021046 in 2016 for a total decrease of 10.39 percent.
Mattox said she was glad that she had run for the judge’s seat and was encouraged by voter turnout. She said she and her supporters will continue to work to serve the community.
“We are all about voter education,” Mattox said. “We are all about registering voters so they can participate in the franchise.”