Green Trails Park is a subdivision located in west Harris County and is one of several located in the Green Trails neighborhood.

The area is surrounded with several restaurants, schools, entertainment venues and shopping.

Median home value: $507,500

Homes on the market*: 3

Homes under contract*: 2

Median annual property taxes: $8,575

Median price per square foot: $165.87

Average days on the market*: 18

*As of Feb. 1

Build-out year: 2008

Square footage: 2,000-4,800

Home values: $380,000-$915,000

HOA dues (estimated): $1,148 annually

Property taxes (in dollars):

Katy ISD: 1.3048

Harris County: 0.34373

Harris County Flood Control District: 0.03055

Port of Houston Authority: 0.00799

Harris Health System: 0.14831

Harris County Department of Education: 0.0049

Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 345: 0.175

Harris County Emergency Services District No. 48: 0.08691

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.10219

The median price of homes sold increased in four out of six area ZIP codes between January 2022 and January 2023, with the most drastic increase in ZIP code 77094.

The number of homes sold decreased in four of six ZIP codes.