The Fulbrook on Fulshear Creek subdivision combines country and small-town vibes through a variety of indoor and outdoor activities along with views of Huggins Lake.

Median home value: $587,025

Homes on the market*: 33

Homes under contract*: 9

Median annual property taxes: $12,396

Median price per square foot: $193.34

Average days on the market*: 62

*As of Oct. 5

Build-out year: 2022

Median square footage: 3,050

Home values: $375,000-$873,000

HOA dues (estimated): $1,200 annually

Schools: Huggins Elementary School, Roberts Middle School, Leaman Junior High School, Fulshear High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Lamar CISD: 1.242

City of Fulshear: 0.20305

Fort Bend County: 0.4383

Fort Bend County Drainage District: 0.0145

Fort Bend County Emergency Services District No. 4: 0.1

Fulshear Municipal Utility District No. 1: 1

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.99785

This chart shows the number of homes sold/the number of average days on the market in five Katy ZIP codes in the month of September. Multiple price points did not have any homes sold or any houses on the market.
This graph shows the median price of homes sold in five Katy ZIP codes in September 2022 compared to September 2021. Every zip code except for 77094 increased in median prices.