Learn more about the neighborhood below.
Median home value: $525,000
Homes on the market*: 24
Homes under contract*: 18
Median annual property taxes: $12,432
Median price per square foot: $143.90 Average days on the market*: 161
Build-out year: 2006
Number of homes: 183
Square footage: 3,074-4,936
Home values: $389,000-$946,000
HOA dues (estimated): $3,200 annually
Schools: Hayes Elementary School, McMeans Middle School, Taylor High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
- Katy ISD: 1.3888
- Harris County: 0.39116
- HC Flood Control District: 0.03142
- Port of Houston Authority: 0.00991
- HC Hospital District: 0.16671
- HC Department of Education: 0.00499
- HC Emergency Service District 48: 0.09939
- Municipal Utility District 0.3500
*As of May 1