The purpose of the hearing is to receive comments regarding the plan’s proposed projects, the most expensive of which include a $743,825 countywide housing rehabilitation program, a $630,000 countywide Community Development Block Grant program for administration and planning, and $600,000 for Phase 2 of sanitary sewer improvements in Rosenberg.
HUD funding for community development includes the planning and application of CDBG, HOME Investment Partnerships, the Emergency Solutions Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS programs.
These overall goals for these programs, per a public notice provided by the county, are to provide decent housing; to establish and maintain a suitable living environment; and to expand the economic opportunities for each resident of the county, particularly for low- and moderate-income persons.
The amount of monetary assistance available from HUD totals $4.66 million for CDBG, HOME Investment Partnerships and ESG programming. A breakdown of funding per program in each category is as follows:
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program: $3,322,918
- Countywide CDBG Program Administration and Planning (20% max), $630,000
- Beasley Wastewater System upgrade, $300,000
- Kendleton Water System improvements, $275,000
- Orchard Water Line extension and improvements, $346,000
- Pleak Water Line improvements, $300,000
- Riverwood FBC MUD No. 19 Lift Station No. 1 pump replacement, $450,000
- Rosenberg Sanitary Sewer improvements Phase 2, $600,000
- Countywide Arc of FBC social and recreational program, $40,000
- Countywide Brazos Bend guardianship services: Corporate Guardianship Program, $50,000
- Countywide Catholic Charities integrated case management for seniors, $45,000
- Countywide Child Advocates Children’s Advocacy Center operational support, $49,000
- Countywide FBC Women’s Center shelter services, $65,000
- Countywide Literacy Council of Fort Bend: adult literacy, $60,000
- Countywide FBC Social Services: homeless/homelessness prevention programs, $112,918
- Countywide HOME Program administration (10% max), $104,647
- Countywide HACDC: Single Family Clay Development, $198,000
- Countywide FBC Housing Rehabilitation Program, $743,825
- Countywide ESG program administration (7.5% max), $22,059
- Countywide Parks Youth Ranch emergency shelter, $80,000
- Countywide FBC Women’s Center emergency shelter, $89,000
- Countywide FBC Social Services: emergency shelter, $7,000
- Countywide FBC Social Services: ReHousing/homelessness prevention/stabilization services, $96,063