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Posted 12:57 p.m., updated 2:10 p.m. with new quote from Andy Meyers, March 4

As of 11:57 p.m. March 3, with 78 of 78 voting centers reporting, unofficial results show Fort Bend County Precinct 3 Commissioner Andy Meyers with the majority vote.

Meyers received 11,741 votes, or 56.7%. Wendy Duncan received 7,998 votes, or 38.62%, and Glenn Harry Gustafson received 969 votes, or 4.68%.

All results are unofficial until canvassed.

Meyers was first elected as the Precinct 3 commissioner in 1996. His 2020 campaign focused on lowering taxes, a safe and secure community, improving roads and flood control.

He will advance to the November general election against against Democratic candidate Hope Martin on the November ballot. She ran unopposed in the Democratic primaries.

"I am honored to have once again received the Republican nomination for reelection as Precinct 3 county commissioner," Meyers said in an emailed statement. "It was a good race with Mrs. Duncan and Mr. Gustafson, and their desire to serve the community is appreciated by myself and many others also. Precinct 3 is an amazing place to live, and our best days are still ahead of us with many great things on the horizon. It is a joy to serve as County Commissioner, and I look forward to moving ahead to victory in November.”

Posted 11:14 p.m., March 3

As of 11:14 p.m., no additional voting precincts are reporting. Community Impact Newspaper will update the story again in the morning when updated results have been posted by Fort Bend County.

Posted 10:05 p.m., March 3

Fort Bend County Precinct 3 Commissioner Andy Meyers holds his lead in the Republican primary polls, with 90.91% of voting precincts reporting for the race.

As of 9:49 p.m., results show Meyers with 9,352 votes, or 57.33%.
Wendy Duncan received 6,274 votes, or 38.46%, and Glenn Harry Gustafson received 686 votes, or 4.21%.

Posted 8:31 p.m., March 3

Early voting primary results from Fort Bend County show Precinct 3 Commissioner Andy Meyers, a Republican, in the lead.

As of 7:45 p.m., Meyers has 8,236 votes, or 58.37% of the vote. Wendy Duncan received 5,299 votes, or 37.56%, and Glenn Harry Gustafson received 574 votes, or 4.07%.

Meyers was first elected as the Precinct 3 commissioner in 1996. His 2020 campaign focused on lowering taxes, a safe and secure community, improving roads and flood control.

Whoever wins the Republican primary will run against Democratic candidate Hope Martin on the November ballot. She ran unopposed in the Democratic primaries.

All results are unofficial until canvassed.