Anwesh works alongside his mother, Aparna Datta, the director of Prodigy Learning Academy, who answered this Q&A.
What is Prodigy teaching children to ensure their academic success and to prepare them for college?
We teach many students with organizational and attention deficiency issues, and being more organized and disciplined is critical. Initially, we show them how to organize their folders, how to use an academic planner and how to find a way to concentrate that works for them. They practice this skill until it becomes second nature.
What is Prodigy doing to help more minority students get in to college or a university?
Rather than focus on teaching kids concepts that are advanced for their age, we aim to help students who are struggling to just keep up. We help students from all backgrounds through after-school group tutoring and individualized lessons for each student. We hire diverse tutors to complement the different learning styles.
What are the most common obstacles faced by high schoolers who want to attend university, and what are you doing differently to address them?
Some of the most common obstacles include failing to understand the complete college applications process, failing to plan ahead and submit applications early and overlooking the financial components of acquiring a bachelor’s degree. We host giveaways and offer scholarships to help alleviate with some of the financial debt incurred by students. To help with other obstacles mentioned, we have a college admissions program that informs students of the application timeline and when to have certain tasks completed by. [The college admissions program] provides feedback on the personal statement essays.
How does Prodigy guide first-generation college students through the college application process?
Being a first-generation student is tough because there is no one to guide you through the rigorous college application process and that is why we offer the college admissions workshop program. Additionally, once high school students are accepted, we help them find resources for mental health services and provide informational seminars on what to expect in college. We are always there for past students and many of them call us from time to time for advice. We are always there to listen and advise as best as we can.
Prodigy Learning Academy
830 S. Mason Road, Ste. B-3, Katy