Katy ISD’s 2017 bond committee and the KISD board of trustees held meetings this week to discuss their respective agendas. The 2017 bond proposal was created June 13 and will go to the board of trustees in July.

1. Bond committee finalizes bond proposal, plans advocacy efforts

The 2017 bond committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its $609.2 million proposal, which will go before the board of trustees for a vote July 17. Trustees have until Aug. 21 to call for a ballot referendum on the proposal that covers 70 district facilities, committee chair Keith Carmichael said. Seventy-four percent of the bond referendum would go toward new schools, and all high-priority projects proposed by KISD staff were added to the bond package. Board President Ashley Vann said Tuesday that although she felt confident about the proposal’s chances, the price tag and low voter turnout in a non-election year could be the biggest barrier to board or voter approval. “That’s just a feeling that I have,” she said. Committee members discussed possible opposition to the bond from the KISD community and voters as well as ways members could advocate on behalf of the measure. Repeatedly, members recommended campaigning on the school district’s claim that the bond would not cause a tax rate increase.

2. Teachers given 3 percent raise

A nearly 3 percent raise for teachers was approved Monday as part of the district's 2017-18 staff compensation. Teacher base salaries will increase by $1,500 from the 2016-17 academic year, starting at $52,000 for those with a bachelor’s degree, $53,000 for those with a master’s degree and $54,000 for those with a doctorate.

3. Budget amendments approved for general fund, construction

On Monday, trustees approved a $291,000 increase in the KISD general operating fund and a $2.4 million tax increment reinvestment zone fund increase to purchase the Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union’s Katy branch building. Construction fund amendments worth $6.19 million were also approved for work done at Paetow High School, Stockdick Junior School and Mayde Creek High School.