The Who Dat? Snoball drink is one of Texas Sno’s top-selling menu items, said husband-and-wife team co-owners Charles and Nan Scott. Texas Sno opened in 2011 and offers over 100 different snoball flavors.

The Who Dat? consists of a half-ounce of pina colada flavoring and a quarter-ounce of both banana and mango flavoring mixed into a bottle of syrup that is then poured into a cup of shaved ice. The drink costs $3.69 for a large.

Nan, a Louisiana native, said the temperature at which the ice is stored and the process by which it is shaved help set Texas Sno apart.

“Our blades [are finely sharpened], so what makes it really fine ice is that we keep the ice super cold and we keep our blades real sharp,” Nan said. “And that’s what makes the ice really shaved instead of being crunchy.”

Texas Sno also boils its syrup, a rarity in the industry.

“That makes it sweeter,” she said.