An extraterritorial jurisdiction is an unincorporated area of land outside of a city’s limits that a city can annex either to control development or expand its tax base, according to the Texas Municipal League. Many residents with a Katy ZIP code actually reside in Houston’s ETJ and could be subject to annexation.
Houston’s ETJ consists of a 5-mile band around its general-purpose boundaries, according to the city’s website. Through annexation, Houston has grown its city limits to 662 square miles as of 2012.
While Houston has some authority to issue taxes over areas in its ETJ, residents have no say when it comes to electing city officials. Legislation one Fort Bend County commissioner is advocating for would allow residents living in Houston’s ETJ to vote themselves out. Read more on the legislation and how it could affect Katy residents on Page 40, and be sure to check out all of our health care-related content for this year’s Health Care Directory issue.