The cost of Katy ISD’s second football stadium, designed to hold 12,000 fans, has risen from 57.6 million to $62 million due to additional work.[/caption]
Katy ISD has posted an
online survey seeking community input on the naming of its second football stadium.
In lieu of finding a namesake for the stadium, the KISD board of trustees has decided to either sell the naming rights of the 12,000-seat, $62 million structure or name it after an attribute that encompasses the district’s ideals.
KISD board of trustees President Rebecca Fox said the board is using Cy-Fair ISD’s recent naming rights deal with the Cy-Fair Federal Credit Union as the basis behind its own potential sale. Cy-Fair ISD agreed to a 10-year, $1.5 million agreement with the company June 22 to name its athletic facility Cy-Fair FCU Stadium.
Fox said KISD could benefit from the financial boost related to a similar naming rights contract, the revenue from which would go into the district’s general operating fund, but the board wants community members to be satisfied with the outcome.
“The stadium belongs to our community, and so we’re trying to get input from them on what they desire,” Fox said. “I don’t have a sense of how they would feel collectively, and so I want to know what they want, and I want to do what they want.” [totalpoll id="164960"]
The district has hired third-party company, K12 Insight, to conduct the survey, which has been available on KISD’s website since July 7 and will remain open through July 19. The survey received 1,400 responses the day it went up and has received a total of 3,500 responses to-date, said Maria Corrales, KISD’s manager of media relation and multimedia.
The survey takes into account where and for how long a participant has lived within KISD boundaries and asks the participant for detailed input regarding his or her preference with regard to either selling the naming rights for the stadium (as well as the entire Student Activity Facility Complex) or naming the stadium after an attribute. The survey lists “Veterans Stadium” and “Heritage Stadium” as possible attribute examples.
Fox said that the board elected not to choose a namesake for the stadium—currently referred to as Student Activity Facility: Second Stadium—because there is not just one person whose name would fully encapsulate the district’s intention for the second stadium to be a multipurpose venue.
“Jack Rhodes, he was the athletic director for a number of years when Katy ISD was very small, so—when you thought about athletics—there was a name that came to the top [for naming the first stadium],” she said. “Finding a name that epitomizes what [the new] facility will mean would be much more difficult.”