The Fulshear City Council approved a new speed limit ordinance for school zones throughout the city at a special meeting Tuesday evening at the Irene Stern Community Center. “We needed to update the ordinance because some of the schools changed the times on when their school days start and stop compared to last year, so all of those times that we did have did not conform to the school days that are on the current calendar at Katy ISD,” Mayor Pro Tem Kaye Kahlich said. District 4 Council Member Joel Patterson said the ordinance update was also needed because Fulshear and Leman high schools had been annexed into city limits since the last update of the ordinance. Speed limits of 20 miles per hour have been set as follows for schools located in Fulshear: Campbell Elementary: A school zone begins at 7:20 a.m. and ends at 8:20 a.m. each morning, and runs from 3-4 p.m. in the evening, Monday through Friday. The school zone for Cross Creek Bend Lane begins 200 feet west of Parent Stacking Lane and ends 200 feet east of Creek Falls Drive. On Creek Falls Drive, the zone begins 810 feet north of Cross Creek Bend Lane and runs to the intersection with Cross Creek Bend Lane. Randolph Elementary: Flewellen Oaks Lane will have a zone beginning 400 feet west of FM 1463 and ending 400 feet south of S. Fry Road. Dove Ranch Boulevard now has a school zone from 75 feet north of Flewellen Oaks Lane to the intersection with Flewellen Oaks Lane. S. Fry Road now has a school zone from 400 feet east of Flewellen Oaks Lane to a point 400 feet west of Flewellen Oaks Lane. Huggins Elementary: A school zone begins at 6:50 a.m. and ends at 7:50 a.m. each morning, and runs from 2:20-3:20 p.m. in the evening, Monday through Friday. The zone on Huggins Drive begins at the intersection with Houston Street and ends at the intersection with Katy-Fulshear Road. Lamar Consolidated ISD Complex, which includes Fulshear High School and Leaman Junior High: A school zone begins at 7:35 a.m. and ends at 8:35 a.m. each morning, and runs from 3:10-4:10 p.m. in the evening, Monday through Friday. Charger way now has a school zone beginning 600 feet north of FM 1093 and ending 3,970 feet north of FM 1093. The next Fulshear City Council regular meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Sept. 18 at the Irene Stern Community Center, 6920 Katy-Fulshear Road in Fulshear.