Four candidates are vying to serve District 6 on the Lamar CISD board of trustees in the May 3 election. There’s no incumbent in the race, as trustee Joe Hubenak didn’t seek re-election.
What you need to know
Candidates running for the LCISD board were asked to complete a questionnaire from Community Impact. They were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
The ballot order could not be accessed in time for publication, so candidates were listed in alphabetical order.

George Arroyos
full-time speech communication community college instructor, 25-year career business financial planning [vice president] Amegy Bank
Contact Information:
Why did you choose to run for LCISD board of trustees?
My candidacy is conceived of concern, awareness and involvement in our community. I’ve served our community as chairman Fort Bend County Library Advisory Board, LCISD Common Threads and 4-H Youth Leadership volunteer. I’ve also served on the Rosenberg Planning Commission, Rosenberg Parks Master Plan Steering Committee and Rosenberg Development Corporation.
What is your top priority if elected to represent LCISD?
I’m committed to preserving and enhancing the high quality of education at LCISD while maintaining sound fiscal policy of taxpayer dollars. I look forward to providing a voice in support of the students, parents, teachers and staff during this hypergrowth environment which holds immense opportunity and hope for the future.
What are the main challenges the district is now facing, and how would you plan to address them?
There are an incredible range of opportunities and challenges that go along with the hypergrowth at LCISD. I’ll utilize my bachelor’s and master’s degrees educational background, business management experience and local public service in planning for growth to evaluate the multifaceted issues offering my ideas and energy toward identifying solutions.
Are there any programs or policies you’d like to see introduced or changed in the district?
I’m endorsed by LCISD District 6 incumbent Joe Hubenak, Fort Bend [County] Commissioner Dexter McCoy and Rosenberg Mayor Bill Benton. They agree that my commitment to public education along with my business experience and local public service qualify me to make policy decisions enhancing student success for all learners at LCISD.
Demographers have said LCISD is in hypergrowth status due to new home starts. How will you help the district manage the incoming growth?
Planning and managing for hypergrowth is paramount. My business experience managing for large corporations engaged in a fast-paced, rapid growth mode along with my extensive local public service in planning for growth is what sets me apart. I will work diligently to provide responsive leadership in a rapidly changing environment.

Ali Khan
fifteen-plus years as a certified principal, teacher and coach for public and private schools
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Why did you choose to run for LCISD board of trustees?
I aim to re-focus our moral grounding, removing inappropriate literary (non-[State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness]) content; creatively hiking employee salaries without raising taxes; and adopt a four-day school week for staff with a three-year pilot. I intend to establish the healthiest nutrition program in the country—which will be under budget.
What is your top priority if elected to represent LCISD?
Scalable growth with safety, while ensuring the best bang for our budget. I will identify and strategically formulate (within the five-year plan that was adopted) a scalable growth plan that will accommodate teachers’ salaries with other creative budgetary solutions designed to maintaining a high employee retention rate.
What are the main challenges the district is now facing, and how would you plan to address them?
The hypergrowth is the most immediate issue—which weaves into the budget and teacher retention needs. In addition to the current five-year plan, I plan to address this by providing comparison “sister district” data to show what has worked and how to successfully roll out and maintain healthy metrics.
Are there any programs or policies you'd like to see introduced or changed in the district?
Adopting a four-day school week is proven to be an ideal teaching retention and school attendance rate booster, without compromising instructional time. I also wish to introduce the highest nutritional standard—based off Dr. [Caldwell] Esselstyn’s vegan diet—which the majority folks can consume, despite religious, dietary or allergic restrictions.
Demographers have said LCISD is in hypergrowth status due to new home starts. How will you help the district manage the incoming growth?
By taking a deeper dive into the current five-year plan, this should give us insight as to our [emergent bilingual], [English language learner] populations, and who to hire accordingly. Therefore, implementing hiring devices like rolling “pipelines” could be a temporary but successful proposal during the interim construction phases.

Bisi Ngwolo
real estate consultant, educator for over 14 years, master’s in education administration-digital marketer
Contact Information:
Why did you choose to run for LCISD board of trustees?
I believe every student needs skills and tools before they graduate from high school and enter the real world. Coming alongside the current board members to bridge the gap between campuses, parents and community stakeholders.
What is your top priority if elected to represent LCISD?
My top priorities are managing the growth of LCISD, including the developing the infrastructure to handle the needs of tomorrow and beyond. Teachers' pay needs to beat inflation so finding ways to retain and develop teachers is key.
What are the main challenges the district is now facing, and how would you plan to address them?
The two main challenges would be the growth and retention of high-quality campus staff. 1. Strategic growth and infrastructure planning: proactive land acquisition policies; improve zoning and capacity management and collaborating with city planners. 2. Teacher and staff retention incentives: expand mentorship programs for new teachers; advocate for competitive salaries and benefits to attract …
Are there any programs or policies you'd like to see introduced or changed in the district?
I believe we are heading this way but allowing students to have mental health days with counselors on site or therapist who specialize in high performance strategies.
Demographers have said LCISD is in hypergrowth status due to new home starts. How will you help the district manage the incoming growth?
To help LCISD manage its hypergrowth, I will leverage my expertise in land acquisition, financial oversight and education leadership to ensure that our district expands strategically while maintaining high educational standards, fiscal responsibility and school safety.

Anthony Warren
Candidate didn't respond to questionnaire by press time.
Why did you choose to run for LCISD board of trustees?
Candidate didn't respond to questionnaire by press time.
What is your top priority if elected to represent LCISD?
Candidate didn't respond to questionnaire by press time.
What are the main challenges the district is now facing, and how would you plan to address them?
Candidate didn't respond to questionnaire by press time.
Are there any programs or policies you’d like to see introduced or changed in the district?
Candidate didn't respond to questionnaire by press time.
Demographers have said LCISD is in hypergrowth status due to new home starts. How will you help the district manage the incoming growth?
Candidate didn't respond to questionnaire by press time.