A local Katy business nonprofit is celebrating 40 years of serving and supporting local stores.

The overview

With over 100 members, the Katy Business Association hosts monthly luncheons to provide networking, marketing and community engagement opportunities, alongside business resources, President Olivia Martin said.

“We have such an incredible small business [community],” she said. “The small business owners here, they work here, they live here, their kids go to school here and we really need to stress the importance of your community supporting those small businesses because that's what a local economy is built on.”

The nonprofit was created in 1984 by Rosemary Nelson, a resident and local business owner, alongside early member Patty Raske, Martin said.

Dates to know

The organization invites the public to celebrate its 40th anniversary at its annual Christmas Party at Perry’s Steakhouse on Dec. 11 at 11 a.m. Tickets are available for $55 for non-members.