The big picture
At a March 4 special meeting, Katy City Council approved the second reading of a 120-day fiber moratorium following several instances of damage to public infrastructure, including water and wastewater line breaks. The in-ground fiber lines are used by telecommunications companies to enhance service.
The first reading was approved by council at a Feb. 24 meeting.
A closer look
Third-party fiber companies have caused at least 16 instances of public infrastructure damage since October, according to agenda documents.
The moratorium aims to allow city officials time to create a standardized process for fiber companies to receive city permitting, Public Works Director Jason Rivera said at the Feb. 24 meeting. The process will also allow the city to ensure quality control and restoration standards are met when third-party contractors are working in Katy.
What else?
Fiber companies who wish to work in city right of ways during the moratorium can come into the city to sign a temporary agreement, City Attorney Bridgette Begle said.
Looking ahead
The moratorium suspends all fiber installation, except for companies with an approved city agreement, for up to 120 days, although it may be lifted sooner, according to agenda documents.
Council also can extend the moratorium if city officials deem more time is necessary.