Located at 7800 Katy Hockley Road, the northwest Katy campus is a three-story building with the capacity for 3,000 students, according to project details.
Zooming in
Principal Gina Cobb will helm the school after previously serving as principal of Mayde Creek High School for two years. Cobb said she has experience building relationships with kids to make sure everyone is included and there are opportunities for all.
“Everyone wants something that’s an inclusive environment, an opportunity for their kiddos,” she said. “So it really is about those opportunities and those growth opportunities for kids as well as us as adults.”
The details
District officials said some special features of Freeman include:
- A makerspace where students can use a 3D printer, a laser engraver and craft items
- A school store where organizations can sell spirit clothes, items, flower mums or event tickets

- Learning stairs
- A performing arts center for fine arts programs or where parent meetings can be held
Freeman was funded by voters approving KISD’s $676.23 million bond program in May 2021. Construction on the $183.31 million high school began in summer 2021, according to the district website.

Freeman is expected to open with at least 750 ninth and 10th graders for the 2024-25 school year, according to the website. The high school will add one additional grade level each year after opening.

Leading up to the start of the 2024-25 school year, Cobb said she's enjoyed working with families to prepare for Freeman High School's first year.
“It’s really been something special to collaborate with [the families] throughout the process on the work that we’ve done with students, staff and our parents, with our mission work, our vision work, and our GOLD standard—which is growth, opportunity, leadership and ... determination,” she said.