Median home value: $444,209
Homes on the market*: 96
Homes under contract*: 39
Median annual property taxes: $14,170.27
Median price per square foot: $182.57
Average days on the market*: 97
*As of May 1
Number of homes: 1,361
Median square footage: 2,730
Home values: $233,000-$504,000
HOA dues (estimated): $1,125 annually
Schools: Lindsey Elementary School, Roberts Middle School, Fulshear High School, Taylor High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
Fort Bend County Drainage District: 0.0129
Fort Bend County: 0.4383
Fort Bend County Emergency Services District No. 4: 0.0969
Lamar CISD: 1.242
Fulshear Municipal Utility District No. 3A: 1.3
Total (per $100 valuation): 3.0901
Only one of six Katy-area ZIP codes saw an increased median price of homes sold from April 2022 to April 2023.
The number of homes sold in the area decreased overall, with sales declining by nearly half in the 77450 ZIP code.