Located in Katy, Kelliwood Gardens is a 293 home community located at the northwest quadrant of South Fry Road and Westgreen Boulevard. The community of traditional style homes features a swimming pool, park, tennis courts and a playground. Residents are within the Katy ISD boundaries. The neighborhood gets its water service from the Nottingham MUD. It is in close proximity to Nottingham Country Park as well as George Bush Park.
Square footage: 2,490-4,622 Home values: $290,107-$530,000 HOA dues (estimated): $725 annually Schools: Hayes Elementary, McMeans Junior High, Taylor Highschool
Property taxes (in dollars): Katy ISD* 1.52660 Harris County 0.41731 Hc Flood Control Dist 0.02736 Port Of Houston Authority 0.01531 Hc Hospital Dist 0.17000 Hc Department Of Education 0.00600 Hc Emerg Srv Dist 48 0.09200 Nottingham Cntry Mud 0.37500 Total (per $100 value) 2.62960