Real estate data is provided by Dena Musfy of Compass Realty.
By the numbers
The median price of homes in the 77007 area, which encompasses the Washington Avenue corridor and Rice Military region, jumped up by 23% year over year, going from $510,000 to $627,450. Other neighborhoods where prices increased include 77008 and 77006.
Meanwhile, homes in the Upper Kirby area of 77098 dropped below a million dollars from roughly $1.2 million to $871,000. Prices also decreased in the 77019 ZIP code, covering portions of River Oaks and the upper Montrose area, by $191,500.Despite prices increasing in three ZIP codes—77007, 77008 and 77006—the number of total home sales was up in two of the three same local ZIP codes. The 77006 area saw the highest growth at a 150% increase, with an additional nine homes sold in 2024 then in 2023.
The 77007 area also saw an increase in homes along with the 77019 area, which experienced a 76.92% rise year over year. On the other hand, two areas where home sales decreased were in the Houston Heights and Upper Kirby neighborhoods.More details
In December, the average number of days a home spent on the market before selling increased in four out of five local ZIP codes, with only the 77019 area seeing a small decrease of 13.27%. Neighborhoods were homes spent the most time on the market were in Upper Kirby, Washington Avenue and Montrose. Homes in the Heights only spent two more days on the market in 2024 compared to 2023.However, of the 142 homes sold in December, 68 homes were sold in the $500,000 to $749,999 price range for the second month in a row. The next highest amount of homes sold, 31, were between $750,000 and $999,999, with 29 homes selling for more than a million dollars and none for less than $250,000.