Median home value: $480,193
Homes on the market*: 2
Homes under contract*: 0
Median annual property taxes**: $13,926
Median price per square foot: $258
Average days on the market*: 41
*As of May 1
**Based on median price of homes sold in past year; exemptions not included
Build-out year: 1981
Median square footage: 1,870
Schools: Wharton Dual Language Academy, Gregory-Lincoln Middle School, Carnegie Vanguard High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
Houston ISD: 1.0372
City of Houston: 0.53364
Harris County: 0.34373
Harris Health System: 0.14831
Houston Community College: 0.09557
HC Flood Control District: 0.03055
Port of Houston Authority: 0.00799
HC Department of Education: 0.00499
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.20189
The total number of homes sold was lower in all five local ZIP codes in April when compared to April 2022, the second month in a row where sales were down across the board.
The median price of homes sold dropped in two local ZIP codes over that time: 77007 and 77098.