Glen Cove is a single-family community of approximately 180 homes near Memorial Park. The community is north of Buffalo Bayou, where the River Oaks Country Club, Hogg Bird Sanctuary and Bayou Bend Gardens can be found.

Median home value: $1,800,250

Homes on the market*: 6

Homes under contract*: 0

Median annual property taxes**: $43,195

Median price per square foot: $506

Average days on the market*: 172

*As of Nov. 1

**Based on median price of homes sold in past year; exemptions not included

Build-out year: 2002

Median square footage: 4,165

Schools: Memorial Elementary School, Hogg Middle School, Lamar High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Houston ISD: 1.1331

City of Houston: 0.5618

Harris County: 0.3912

Harris Health System: 0.1667

Houston Community College: 0.1003

HC Flood Control District: 0.0314

Port of Houston Authority: 0.0099

HC Department of Education: 0.005

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.3994

Total home sales fell in all five local ZIP codes when comparing October with the previous year.

However, the median price of homes sold rose in all five ZIP codes when comparing the two months, including by 44.6% in the 77019 ZIP code.