The Republican primary for U.S. Representative for District 18 has six contenders hoping to get a chance to be on the November ballot. The seat is currently held by U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat.

Robert Cadena

Occupation: small-business owner

Campaign website:

How does your experience make you the best candidate for this elected office?

I am currently a small business owner, which I have operated for 19 years, and I am the President of the Harris County MUD 150 Board Directors. Under my leadership the Board of Directors is responsible for a Diverse District of more than 12,000 residents, 100 businesses, an 8.6 million dollar budget, infrastructure throughout district, a district website, tax assessment and collection, billing and collection, trash service, management of a police service contract with the Harris County Sheriff Department and many other areas. These two experiences alone have prepared me to confront the issues in U.S. Congressional District 18. As I have addressed issues such as crime, taxes, infrastructure, service issues, strong policies in MUD District 150, I will take the same approach for U.S. Congressional District 18 if elected. By meeting with communities across CD18 to identify issues and their impact on each of the communities. These steps will help me develop solutions for each issue across District 18, and I will work with local representatives to implement the solutions.

What is the most pressing issue, specific to your district, that you would advocate for moving forward?

Flooding & Infrastructure

How will you work to build working relationships across districts and party lines?

I will work to build a dialogue and find common ground with other leaders to implement solutions that will benefit all communities.

Wendell Champion

Candidate did not respond.

Truly Heiksell

Occupation: minister/reacher/personal assistant

Campaign website:

How does your experience make you the best candidate for this elected office?

As an experienced minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for over 45 years, Christian & public school teacher to elementary and middle school children, with my personal assistant, Nanny work I have seen many of the ills that eat at the fabric of our country. Being a good, patient listener, wife, Mom, Grammy & GG has equipped me with time-tested and proven conflict resolution skills to find common but wise solutions to Congress. First we must recognize laws for the Lawless, not punish the law abiding citizens.

What is the most pressing issue, specific to your district, that you would advocate for moving forward?

Welfare, crime, fatherless, education and sex trafficking are key issues I will work for and with those who want to see us return to the "Golden Rule," God, family and country.

How will you work to build working relationships across districts and party lines?

We are all Americans, hopefully working for the proven values that made us a pinnacle Nation and the envy of Nations. I will treat others with dignity, respect, and appreciation for their expertise. When we all see that we are on the same team but swimming in different lanes we will work effectively, together.

T.C. Manning

Occupation: veteran, maritime industry professional

Campaign website:

How does your experience make you the best candidate for this elected office?

I have nearly two decades of "cause and effect" analysis solving problems all over the world. I have been to countless countries and understand how the real world works on a national and international level. The country needs an individual that will stand up for the Constitution and fight for their freedoms. Conservative values have made Texas the go to state in the U.S.A. and being military veteran who has dedicated his life to his country I will continue to fight for the United States in the U.S. House of Representatives.

What is the most pressing issue, specific to your district, that you would advocate for moving forward?

My district has many most pressing issues. Crime, Jobs, Immigration, and Education are just to name a few. There is a plethora of problems that must be addressed and electing politicians who can only focus on one problem will not solve any. It is time to get the correct people into office that are going to work for you and not you for them. I work for you and I will not let you down.

How will you work to build working relationships across districts and party lines?

Working with people requires communication. As Ronald Reagan said, “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.” Keeping to this mantra and by working with others, great accomplishments can be made. This recent idea that you must completely shut someone out simply because you disagree on one issue will not solve problems. I will listen to all peoples regardless of their district or party line. We are all American and together with cooperation we can solve the issues plaguing us.

Nathan Milliron

Occupation: attorney

Campaign website:

How does your experience make you the best candidate for this elected office?

I am a lifelong Republican. I am fiscally conservative. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes and a strong military. I am unabashedly pro-life. I believe in our Constitution and the rule of law. I am also a realist and recognize that we have a common destiny and that we can and should work with one another to better our communities.

What is the most pressing issue, specific to your district, that you would advocate for moving forward?

t is less of an issue and more of a principle - we need to work with one another, stop the political rhetoric that leads to divide, listen to one another, and work together to improve the lives of those in our community. We are stronger together.

How will you work to build working relationships across districts and party lines?

I know that the solutions to our nation’s problems will not be easy and I am cognizant that these very solutions are not likely to come from the far left or the far right on the political spectrum. Instead, they are likely to come from somewhere in between those extremes, in line with the beliefs of the vast majority of Americans, where common sense and decency prevail. I will engage all people, from all walks of life, to advance American interests for our citizens.

Ava Pate

Candidate did not respond.