The Mitchells pay homage to more than 30 different cultures with their eclectic menu, which was developed by a team of chefs and has rotated seasonally since the restaurant opened in October 2019, Matthew Mitchell said.“[Our] food philosophy is to take traditional dishes from around the world and then modernize them,” Matthew Mitchell said. “We feel like that's been our sweet spot—kind of this balance of foreign and familiar.”
What's special about it?From the far east, India and Africa; to Europe and the Mediterranean; to Latin America and the Caribbean, Traveler’s Table features cocktails, entrees, small plates and desserts from all over the globe.
Their duck confit risotto gained popularity when it beat celebrity chef Bobby Flay on his Food Network show. When restaurateur Guy Fieri visited Traveler’s Table in 2021, the restaurant gained national notoriety for its crispy pork belly and crab samosas, Matthew Mitchell said.In their own words
One of Thy Mitchell’s favorite dishes is the Singaporean soft shell crab, which she said perfectly encapsulates the concept of taking a traditional dish and translating it for a Montrose audience.
“We always try to balance it to where it's still exciting, but in a more refined environment with our twists on it,” Thy Mitchell said. “That's what makes it fun for us, because we keep traveling—and then we see something that we think would be really exciting for someone else to try here.”
- 520 Westheimer Road, Houston