Situated five minutes from I-45, Candlelight Hills is a well-established, family-oriented neighborhood with heavily wooded lots. The development features a clubhouse, eight-lane pool, playground, picnic areas and a tennis court. Community events are held throughout the year.
Build-out year: 2006 Square footage: 2,794 Median home value: $225,000 HOA dues (estimated): $350 annually Amenities: Swimming pool, playground, picnic areas, tennis courts and clubhouse Schools: Klein ISD
Property taxes (in dollars):
North Harris-Montgomery College Dist. - 0.11 Harris County - 0.42 Harris County Dept. of Education - 0.01 Harris County ESD No. 7 - 0.07 Harris County ESD No. 11 - 0.04 Harris County Flood Control District - 0.03 Harris County Hospital District - 0.17 Klein ISD - 1.41 Port of Houston Authority - 0.01 Total (per $100 valuation) - 2.27
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