A question for Superintendent Tim Harkrider

What will be the biggest challenge for WIllis ISD in 2017?

From a budget standpoint, [it is] planning for the new facilities like the Career and Technology Education Center that will be open in 2018. With that, we will have to figure out how many staff members to hire, positions to create and how all of that will affect us on our budget for 2017-18 as well as 2018-19.

Big decisions made in 2016

School bond project progress

The $109.5 million bond was passed in November 2015 with $70 million being authorized for use in 2016. Willis ISD completed several bond projects, including the expansion of parent drop-off lanes at Meador, Turner and Cannan elementary schools, field turf installation at Berton A. Yates Stadium and a track at Brabham Middle School.

Pay raise for employees

Over the summer, the school board approved a 5 percent pay raise for employees in WISD. In 2011, the average starting salary for a WISD teacher was $39,000, and it was increased to $46,000 in 2016. Officials said the increase in pay would help attract more educators to the growing school district.

Top issues for 2017

Elementary school construction

As part of the 2015 bond, a new elementary school will be built on M.P. Clark Road near the League Line Road intersection. Construction on the $26.8 million school will begin this spring and is expected to open for the 2018-19 school year. Construction on a new Career and Technology Education Center, agriculture center, auditorium and renovations at the athletic department at Willis High School are expected to begin in 2017.

Consider District of Innovation

The district will consider becoming a District of Innovation in spring 2017. If the board decides to pursue the application, it could take effect as early as the 2017-18 school year.