- Grace Crossing signal
2. Downtown traffic signals
The city of Conroe installed traffic signals at the intersections of Davis and Thompson streets, Davis and San Jacinto streets, and Phillips and San Jacinto streets. The signals are waiting on power.
Timeline: Jan. 8-late December
Cost: $607,607
Funding source: city of Conroe
3. Longmire Road extension
The city of Conroe awarded a bid Dec. 13 after press time for a Longmire Road extension project to create a four-lane road from League Line Road to FM 3083.
Timeline: TBD
Cost: TBD
Funding source: city of Conroe
4. McCaleb Road overpass expansion
Montgomery County is waiting to obtain permits before it can bid out a project to build a second overpass over FM 2854 and the BNSF Railway tracks to serve as northbound lanes for the corridor. The existing overpass will serve as southbound lanes.
Timeline: TBD
Cost: $5 million
Funding source: Montgomery County
5. FM 3083 widening
Phase II of a Texas Department of Transportation project to widen FM 3083 and add a median from the Union Pacific Corp. railroad to Loop 336 North began Nov. 12.
Phase I, which is 67 percent complete, builds a bridge over the railroad tracks.
Timeline: Nov. 12, 2018-late 2019
Cost: $9 million
Funding sources: TxDOT, federal
6. Freedom Boulevard creation
This project, 77 percent complete, will allow visitors to access the upcoming Veterans Memorial Park in an extension from the I-45 access road to FM 2854.
Timeline: July 11-late December
Cost: $1.2 million
Funding sources: city of Conroe, Montgomery County