In 1899, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. was formed to secure the rights and benefits for combat veteran services.

“There was a need for a group to represent the veterans of America—wounded veterans especially,” Quartermaster Army Officer Terry Morton said. “We are combat veterans. So it's a tighter family and brotherhood or fellowship.”

About the Program

Cypress-based VFW Post 8905 was founded in 1944 and provides services funded by community involvement.

“We think of it as a hand up, not a handout, which is what we're all about,” Morton said.

With 342 post members and 142 auxiliary members formed of veteran spouses or sisters, the local organization is able to provide resources for returning and deployed service members and their families.

VFW Post 8905 assists veterans and their spouses by:
  • Educating veterans about VA benefits through private counseling sessions
  • Advocating for veterans and their families at the federal government level
  • Covering rent, utilities and groceries for struggling military families
  • Providing morale boosts and celebrations for service members who have returned from combat
The impact

Through the years, VFW Post 8905 has provided 488 grants to military families facing financial hardship worth $356,512 and assisted 253 families with housing needs.

In 2023, the group assisted 130,000 veterans in submitting VA claims resulting in more than $82 million in disability compensation for 14,400 individuals, Morton said.

VFW Post 8905 also hosts community events to fund its cause, including over 187 community activities held annually—from Easter egg hunts and chili cookoffs to cornhole competitions, and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo events.

Morton said since 2023, about 200 community projects have been completed, and since 2022, 23 scholarships have been granted to local high school students.

What else?

The facility is also open to rent for events, such as weddings, and has a canteen open to the public with happy hour held from 4-6 p.m. daily.

“Our canteen is one of our largest contributors, and 100% of the profit goes to the post to benefit and provide for our activities that we do,” Morton said. “And [it] has got the cheapest beer in town.”

Morton said the organization also holds proper flag ceremonies to dispose of American flags.

“We asked people not to throw American flags away; bring them to us. We have a retirement ceremony where we retire the flags properly,” he said.